
Glossary for gem taxonomy

Authors: Luke Allen, Andrew Charleson, Svetlana Brzev, and Charles Scawthorn

This online Glossary explains around 400 terms contained in the GEM Building Taxonomy v 2.0 and nearly 700 images.

The terms have been listed in alphabetical and numerical order. Text description of each term is accompanied by illustrations (photos and/or drawings) where possible.

We welcome contributions in the form of photographs or images, illustrating glossary terms. If you have any questions you can also contact us at buildingtaxonomy@globalquakemodel.org

Precast concrete units with reinforced concrete topping. Precast units include hollow-core slabs, solid slabs, a system of precast concrete joists with timber or hollow masonry infill, double-tee units. Sometimes overlaid with light-weight roofing. This system is similar to Precast Concrete Floor with Reinforced Concrete Topping.

Precast roof system, Algeria (S. Brzev)

Roof/floor system consisting of cast-in-place reinforced concrete joists and precast concrete masonry units, Algeria (S. Brzev)


Roof/floor system consisting of concrete masonry units and cast-in-situ reinforced concrete joists (known as "Tralix" system), Chile (S. Brzev)


A double-tee beam lifted by the crane at the construction site, Denver, USA (K. Porter)


Wall corbels ready to support double-tees, Denver, USA (K. Porter)