
Glossary for gem taxonomy

Authors: Luke Allen, Andrew Charleson, Svetlana Brzev, and Charles Scawthorn

This online Glossary explains around 400 terms contained in the GEM Building Taxonomy v 2.0 and nearly 700 images.

The terms have been listed in alphabetical and numerical order. Text description of each term is accompanied by illustrations (photos and/or drawings) where possible.

We welcome contributions in the form of photographs or images, illustrating glossary terms. If you have any questions you can also contact us at buildingtaxonomy@globalquakemodel.org

Fired clay blocks, lightweight extruded type, with several small perforations. Volume of perforations may range from 25 to 70% of the gross block volume. The perforations are laid in the horizontal direction.

Fired Clay Hollow Blocks 2.JPG


Fired hollow clay bricks with horizontally-laid perforations, Peru (S. Brzev)

Fired Clay Hollow Blocks 1.JPG

Fired hollow clay blocks, Iran (A. Charleson)


Hollow clay masonry blocks and the reinforcing scheme, Chile (Moroni, Gomez, and Astroza, World Housing Encyclopedia Report 5)






Hollow clay tile masonry construction, Belgrade, Serbia (S. Brzev)


Fired clay tile masonry wall construction, Albania (C. Scawthorn)


Fired clay hollow blocks as a museum exhibit, Portugal (S. Brzev)